Occupational therapist Occupational therapist

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel issir is-sinjal għal GĦIN. Id waħda tieħu l-forma ta’ 5 u titqiegħed bil-pala tħares ’l fuq u bis-swaba’ iħarsu laġenba livell mas-sider. L-id l-oħra tieħu l-forma ta’ A u titqiegħed fuq il-pala tal-ewwel id bis-saba’ l-kbir iħares ’l fuq. L-id ta’ taħt tressaq din l-id ’l quddiem jew tgħolliha ’l fuq. (ii) Imbagħad, iż-żewġ idejn jieħdu il-forma ta’ I u jitqiegħdu quddiem bil-pala tħares ’il ġewwa u bis-swaba’ ż-żgħar imissu. L-idejn iduru u l-idejn jitbiegħdu għall ġnub bil-pala tħares ’il barra.

The sign for OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST consists of two parts. (i) The first part is the sign for HELP. One hand takes the shape of 5 and is placed at chest level with palm facing upwards and fingers pointing sideways. The other hand takes the shape of A. It is placed over the palm of the first hand with thumb pointing upwards. The first hand supports the A hand forward or upward. (ii) Then, both hands take the shape of I and are placed at the front with palms facing inwards and the pinkies touch. The hands then turn and the hands move away from each other to the sides. The palms face outwards.